
International Journal

[49] Suhan KimHyunseong Shin*, " Accelerating the data-driven multiscale finite element analysis for elastoplastic materials by using proper orthogonal decomposition and transformer architecture ", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (ISSN: 0045-7825), 437, 117827, Elsevier, 2025.03.15. (IF 6.9, JCR 2023, Top 2.6%)
[48] Haolin Wang, Jihun Lee, Jae Hun Kim, Hyunseong Shin*, " Revealing the origin of the thermal conductivity improvement of the silane@polydopamine modified graphene/epoxy nanocomposites: a multiscale study ", Composites Science and Technology (ISSN: 0266-3538), 261, 111009, Elsevier, 2025.03.01. (IF 8.3, JCR 2023, Top 12.9%)
[47] Haolin Wang, Suhan Kim, Jihun Lee, Hyunseong Shin*, " Design of thermal conductivity of mercapto group-activated graphene/epoxy nanocomposites using the molecular dynamics simulation and Gaussian process regression-based Bayesian optimization ", Surfaces and Interfaces (ISSN: 2468-0230), 56, 105571, Elsevier, 2025.01.01. (IF 5.7, JCR 2023, Top 15.2%)
[46] Yejun Ban, Jihun Lee, Hyunseong Shin*, Seong-Dae Park*, Hyunseung Yang*, " Tailoring Dielectric Properties and Dimensional Stability of Poly(Phenylene Ether) Using Bismaleimide Crosslinkers for High-Frequency PCB Applications ", Macromolecular Rapid Communications (ISSN: 1022-1336), 2400777, Elsevier, 2024.11.30. (IF 4.2, JCR 2023, Top 25.8%)
[45] Haolin WangJae Hun KimJihun LeeHyunseong Shin*, " Effect of nitrogen-doped type on fracture toughness improvement and crack growth resistance of carbon nanotube/epoxy nanocomposites: combined multiscale analysis approach ", Engineering Fracture Mechanics (ISSN: 0013-7944), 310, 110502, Elsevier, 2024.11.08. (IF 4.7, JCR 2023, Top 11.5%)
[44] Byeonghwa Goh, Jihun Lee, Hyunseong Shin*, Joonmyung Choi*, " Maximizing the toughness of polymer nanocomposites based on the radial strength of carbon nanotubes ", Surfaces and Interfaces (ISSN: 2468-0230), 53, 105035, Elsevier, 2024.10.01. (IF 5.7, JCR 2023, Top 15.2%)
[43] Yoojung Choi, Jae Hun KimHyunseong Shin, Seong Dae Park*, Hyunseung Yang*, " Enhanced interfacial interaction of graphene nanoplatelets/cellulose nanofiber matrix driven by pyranine-based dispersant for efficient thermal managing materials ", Composites Science and Technology (ISSN: 0266-3538), 255, 110698, Elsevier, 2024.08.18. (IF 9.1, JCR 2022, Top 12.5%)
[42] Jihun LeeHaolin WangJae Hun KimHyunseong Shin*, " Importance of cohesive failure mode in fracture toughness enhancement of polymer nanocomposites with covalent grafting: A multiscale study ", Composites Part B: Engineering (ISSN: 1359-8368), 279, 111462, Elsevier, 2024.06.15. (IF 13.1, JCR 2022, Top 0.6%)
[41] Jae Hun Kim, Haolin Wang, Jihun Lee, Hyunseong Shin*, " Multiscale bridging method to characterize elasto-plastic properties of polymer nanocomposites ", Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (ISSN: 1537-6532), Taylor & Francis, 2024.06. (IF 4.030, JCR 2020, Top 17.2%)
[40] Wonseok Lee, Taewoo Yoo, Kyungmin Baek, Maenghyo Cho, Hayoung Chung, Hyunseong Shin*, Yun Seog Lee*, " Strain rate effects on fracture toughness of polymer nanocomposites: A multiscale study ", Engineering Fracture Mechanics (ISSN: 0013-7944), 298, 109924, Elsevier, 2024.03.08. (IF 5.4, JCR 2022, Top 9.9%)
[39] Suhan Kim, Hyunseong Shin*, " Data-driven multiscale finite element method using deep neural network combined with proper orthogonal decomposition ", Engineering with Computers (ISSN: 0177-0667), Springer, 2024.02. (IF 8.7, JCR 2021, Top 2.6%)
[38] Yusu Han, Byeong Jun So, Hyeong Jun Kim, Ju Hyeon Kim, Ju Hwan Lee, Gilyong Shin, Jae Yun Baek, Heejin Kim, Min Wook Lee, Seung Ki Moon, Kyeong-Bae Seo, Sang Yoon Park, Jei Gyeong Jeon*, Hyunseong Shin*, Tae June Kang*, " Current collectors of carbon fiber reinforced polymer for stackable energy storage composites ", Energy Storage Materials (ISSN: 2405-8297), 64, 103070, Elsevier, 2024.01. (IF 20.4, JCR 2021, Top 4.2%)
[37] Suhan KimHyunseong Shin*, " Deep learning framework for multiscale finite element analysis based on data-driven mechanics and data augmentation ", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (ISSN: 0045-7825), 414, 116131, Elsevier, 2023.09.01. (IF 6.588, JCR 2021, Top 3.2%)
[36] Jihun LeeHaolin WangJae Hun KimHyunseong Shin*, " Recent Studies on the Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Polymer Nanocomposites ", JMST Advances (ISSN: 2524-7905), 5, 85-91, Springer, 2023.09.09.
[35] Haolin Wang, Jihun Lee, Jae Hun Kim, Hyunseong Shin*, " Multiscale strategy to predict the fracture toughness and crack extension behavior of ozone-functionalized carbon nanotube/epoxy nanocomposites ", Chemical Engineering Journal (ISSN: 1385-8947), 465, 142985, Elsevier, 2023.06.01. (IF 16.744, JCR 2021, Top 2.45%)
[34] Jihun Lee, Jae Hun Kim, Haolin Wang, Hyunseong Shin*, " Development of multiscale analysis method for predicting thermo-mechanical properties of polymeric nanocomposites containing clustered nanoparticles ", Functional Composites and Structures (ISSN: 2631-6331), 5, 025003, IOP Publishing, 2023.04.24.
[33] Haolin Wang, Hyunseong Shin*, " A multiscale model to predict fatigue crack growth behavior of carbon nanofiber/epoxy nanocomposites ", International Journal of Fatigue (ISSN: 0142-1123), 168, 107467, Elsevier, 2023.03.01. (IF 5.489, JCR 2021, Top 11.3%)
[32] Wonjoo Lee, Hyunseong Shin*, " Temporal homogenization formula for viscoelastic–viscoplastic model subjected to local cyclic loading ", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (ISSN: 0029-5981), 1-26, Wiley, 2022.10.10. (IF 3.021, JCR 2020, Top 19%)
[31] Haolin Wang, Hyunseong Shin*, " Influence of ozone functionalization of carbon nanotubes on the fracture toughness improvement of polymer nanocomposites: a multiscale study ", Composites Part A : Applied Science and Manufacturing (ISSN: 1359-835X), 160, 107067, Elsevier, 2022.07.01. (IF 9.463, JCR 2020, Top 8.9%)
[30] Kyungmin Baek, Hyungjun Kim, Hyunseong Shin, Hyungbum Park, Maenghyo Cho*, " Multiscale Study to Investigate Nanoparticle Agglomeration Effect on Electrical Conductivity of Nano-SiC Reinforced Polypropylene Matrix Composites ", Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (ISSN: 1537-6532), Online Published, Taylor & Francis, 2022.04.05. (IF 3.517, JCR 2019, Top 10.6%)
[29] Haolin Wang, Hyunseong Shin*, " Recent studies on the multiscale models to predict fracture toughness of polymer nanocomposites ", Multiscale Science and Engineering (ISSN: 2524-4515), Springer, 2022.03.22.
[28] Haolin Wang, Hyunseong Shin*, " Influence of nanoparticulate diameter on fracture toughness improvement of polymer nanocomposites by a nanoparticle debonding mechanism: a multiscale study ", Engineering Fracture Mechanics (ISSN: 0013-7944), 261, 108261, Elsevier, 2022.02.15. (IF 4.406, JCR 2020, Top 15.2%)
‌[27] Hyunseong Shin*, " Multiscale model to predict fracture toughness of CNT/epoxy nanocomposites ", Composite Structures (ISSN: 0263-8223), 272, 114236, Elsevier, 2021.09.15. (IF 5.138, JCR 2019, Top 5.5%)
‌[26] Byungjo Kim, Hyunseong Shin, Joonmyung Choi, Maenghyo Cho*, " Multiscale modeling of load transfer characteristics in crosslinked epoxy nanocomposites ", Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (ISSN: 1537-6532), Online Published, Taylor & Francis, 2021.06.14. (IF 3.517, JCR 2019, Top 10.6%)
[25] Kyungmin Baek, Hyungbum Park, Hyunseong Shin, Seunghwa Yang, Maenghyo Cho*, " Multiscale modeling to evaluate combined effect of covalent grafting and clustering of silica nanoparticles on mechanical behaviors of polyimide matrix composites ", Composites Science and Technology (ISSN: 0266-3538), 206, 108673, Elsevier, 2021.04.12. (IF 7.094, JCR 2019, Top 5.8%)
[24] Kyungmin Baek, Ingyun Chung, Hyunseong Shin, Maenghyo Cho*, " Multiscale study for the temperature effect on the mechanical properties and fatigue crack growth rate of polyamide 66 ", Extreme Mechanics Letters (ISSN: 2352-4316), 43, 101154, Elsevier, 2021.02. (IF 4.806, JCR 2019, Top 10%)
[23] Kyungmin Baek, Hyunseong Shin, Maenghyo Cho*, " Multiscale Modeling of Mechanical Behaviors of Nano-SiC/Epoxy Nanocomposites with Modified Interphase Model: Effect of Nanoparticle Clustering ", Composites Science and Technology (ISSN: 0266-3538), 203, 108572, Elsevier, 2021.02.08. (IF 7.094, JCR 2019, Top 5.8%)
[22] Seunghwa Yang, Hyunseong Shin, Maenghyo Cho*, " Contribution of oxygen functional groups in graphene to the mechanical and interfacial behaviour of nanocomposites: Molecular dynamics and micromechanics study ", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (ISSN: 0020-7403), 189, 105972, Elsevier, 2021.01.01. (IF 4.631, JCR 2019, Top 10%)
[21] Kyungmin Baek, Wonseok Lee, Hyunseong Shin, Maenghyo Cho*, " Multiscale Study on Determining Representative Volume Elements Size for Mechanical Behaviours of Complex Polymer Nanocomposites with Nanoparticulate Agglomerations ", Composite Structures (ISSN: 0263-8223), 253, 112796, Elsevier, 2020.12.01. (IF 5.138, JCR 2019, Top 5.5%)
[20] Hyunseong Shin*, " Temporal Homogenization Formulation on General Linear Viscoelastic Materials Subjected to Locally Periodic Loading ", International Journal of Solids and Structures (ISSN: 0020-7683), 196, 1-9, Elsevier, 2020.04.11. (IF 3.213, JCR 2019, Top 21.7%)
[19] Kyungmin Baek, Hyunseong Shin, Taewoo Yoo, Maenghyo Cho*, " Two-Step Multiscale Homogenization for Mechanical Behaviour of Polymeric Nanocomposites with Nanoparticulate Agglomerations ", Composites Science and Technology (ISSN: 0266-3538), 179, 97-105, Elsevier, 2019.07.28. (IF 7.094, JCR 2019, Top 5.8%)
[18] Hyunseong Shin, Joonmyung Choi, Maenghyo Cho*, " An efficient multiscale homogenization modeling approach to describe hyperelastic behavior of polymer nanocomposites ", Composites Science and Technology (ISSN: 0266-3538), 175, 128-134, Elsevier, 2019.05.03. (IF 7.094, JCR 2019, Top 5.8%)
[17] Seunghwa Yang, Hyunseong Shin, Maenghyo Cho*, " Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Finite Element Analysis on Mechanical Behavior of Oxygen Functionalized Graphene/Polymer Nanocomposites ", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (ISSN: 1738-494X), 33, 307-314, Springer, 2019.01.14. (IF 1.345, JCR 2019, Top 74%)
[16] Hyunseong Shin, Ekyu Han, Nochang Park*, Donghwan Kim, " Thermal residual stress analysis of soldering and lamination processes for fabrication of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules ", Energies (ISSN: 1996-1073), 11, 3256, MDPI, 2018.11.22. (IF 2.702, JCR 2019, Top 55.8%)
[15] Junghwan Moon, Hyunseong Shin, Kyungmin Baek, Joonmyung Choi, Maenghyo Cho*, " Multiscale modeling of photomechanical behavior of photo-responsive nanocomposite with carbon nanotubes ", Composites Science and Technology (ISSN: 0266-3538), 29, 27-35, Elsevier, 2018.09.29. (IF 7.094, JCR 2019, Top 5.8%)
[14] Hyungbum Park, Joonmyung Choi, Byungjo Kim, Seunghwa Yang, Hyunseong Shin, Maenghyo Cho*, " Toward the constitutive modeling of high performance epoxy matrix: temperature-accelerated quasi-static molecular simulations consistent with the experimental test ", Composites Part B : Engineering (ISSN: 1359-8368), 142, 131-141, Elsevier, 2018.06.01. (IF 7.635, JCR 2019, Top 1.6%)
[13] Joonmyung Choi, Hyunseong Shin, Maenghyo Cho*, " Multiscale Multiphysical Analysis of Photo-Mechanical Properties of Interphase in Light-Responsive Polymer Nanocomposites ", Composites Science and Technology (ISSN: 0266-3538), 160, 32-41, Elsevier, 2018.05.26. (IF 7.094, JCR 2019, Top 5.8%)
[12] Hyunseong Shin, Maenghyo Cho*, " Multiscale model to predict fatigue crack propagation behavior of thermoset polymeric nanocomposites ", Composites Part A : Applied Science and Manufacturing (ISSN: 1359-835X), 99, 23-31, Elsevier, 2017.08.01. (IF 6.444, JCR 2019, Top 7.0%)
[11] Hyunseong Shin, Seongmin Chang, Joonho Jeong, Maenghyo Cho*, " Stochastic Homogenization of Nano-Thickness Thin Films Including Patterned Holes Using Structural Perturbation Method ", Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (ISSN: 0266-8920), 49, 1-12, Elsevier, 2017.07.01. (IF 2.411, JCR 2019, Top 14.1%)
[10] Hyunseong Shin, Byungjo Kim, Jin-Gyu Han, Man Young Lee, Jong Kyoo Park, Maenghyo Cho*, " Fracture Toughness Enhancement of Thermoplastic/Epoxy Blends by the Plastic Yield of Toughening Agents: A Multiscale Analysis ", Composites Science and Technology (ISSN: 0266-3538), 145, 173-180, Elsevier, 2017.06.16. (IF 7.094, JCR 2019, Top 5.8%)
[9] Hyunseong Shin, Kyungmin Baek, Jin-Gyu Han, Maenghyo Cho*, " Homogenization Analysis of Polymeric Nanocomposites Containing Nanoparticulate Clusters ", Composites Science and Technology (ISSN: 0266-3538), 138(18), 217-224, Elsevier, 2017.01.18. (IF 7.094, JCR 2019, Top 5.8%)
[8] Joonmyung Choi, Hyunseong Shin, Maenghyo Cho*, " A multiscale mechanical model for the effective interphase of SWNT/Epoxy nanocomposite ", Polymer (ISSN: 0032-3861), 89, 159-171, Elsevier, 2016.04.20. (IF 4.231, JCR 2019, Top 11.8%)
[7] Hyunseong Shin, Seongmin Chang, Seunghwa Yang, Byeng Dong Youn, Maenghyo Cho*, " Statistical Multiscale Homogenization Approach for Analyzing Polymer Nanocomposites that Include Model Inherent Uncertainties of Molecular Dynamics Simulations ", Composites Part B : Engineering (ISSN: 1359-8368), 87, 120-131, Elsevier, 2016.02.15. (IF 7.635, JCR 2019, Top 1.6%)
[6] Hyunseong Shin, Jin-Gyu Han, Seongmin Chang, Maenghyo Cho*, " Local nanofiller volume concentration effect on elastic properties of polymer nanocomposites ", Multiscale and Multiphysics Mechanics (ISSN: 2383-7306), 1, 65-76, Technopress, 2016.01.01.
[5] Seongmin Chang, Seunghwa Yang, Hyunseong Shin, Maenghyo Cho*, " Multiscale homogenization model for thermoelastic behavior of epoxy-based composites with polydisperse SiC nanoparticles ", Composite Structures (ISSN: 0263-8223), 128, 342-353, Elsevier, 2015.09.15. (IF 5.138, JCR 2019, Top 5.5%)
[4] Hyunseong Shin, Seunghwa Yang, Joonmyung Choi, Seongmin Chang, Maenghyo Cho*, " Effect of interphase percolation on mechanical behavior of nanoparticle-reinforced polymer nanocomposite with filler agglomeration: A multiscale approach ", Chemical Physics Letters (ISSN: 0009-2614), 635, 80-85, Elsevier, 2015.08.16. (IF 2.029, JCR 2019, Top 52.7%)
[3] Joonmyung Choi, Hyunseong Shin, Seunghwa Yang, Maenghyo Cho*, " The Influence of Nanoparticle Size on the Mechanical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites and the Associated Interphase Region: A Multiscale Approach ", Composite Structures (ISSN: 0263-8223), also ranked 15th among the most download, 119, 365-376, Elsevier, 2015.01.01. (IF 5.138, JCR 2019, Top 5.5%)
[2] Hyunseong Shin, Seunghwa Yang, Seongmin Chang, Suyoung Yu, Maenghyo Cho*, " Multiscale Homogenization Modeling for Thermal Transport Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites with Kapitza Thermal Resistance ", Polymer (ISSN: 0032-3861), 54(5), 1543-1554, Elsevier, 2013.02.28. (IF 4.231, JCR 2019, Top 11.8%)
[1] Joonmyung Choi, Seunghwa Yang, Suyoung Yu, Hyunseong Shin, Maenghyo Cho*, " Method of scale-bridging for thermoelasticity of cross-linked epoxy/SiC nanocomposites at a wide range of temperatures ", Polymer (ISSN: 0032-3861), 53, 5178-5189, Elsevier, 2012.10.12. (IF 4.231, JCR 2019, Top 11.8%)
Domestic Journal

[8] 이지훈, 왕호림, 김재훈, 신현성*, " 나노 복합 재료의 멀티스케일 해석 기술 소개 ", 기계저널, 63(12), 2023.12.
[7] 김수한이원주신현성*, " 초탄성 복합재의 평균장 균질화 데이터 기반 멀티스케일 해석 ", Composites Research, 36(5), 329-334, 2023.09.
[6] 이원주김수한심현종, 이주호, 안병혁, 김유정, 정상융, 신현성*, " Development of Homogenization Data-based Transfer Learning Framework to Predict Effective Mechanical Properties and Thermal Conductivity of Foam Structures ", Composites Research, 36(3), 205-210, 2023.06.
[5] 김수한왕호림이원주, 안병혁, 김유정, 이주호, 신현성*, " MLP, GR, RBF 인공신경망을 이용한 분자 동역학 데이터 기반 초탄성 구성방정식 모델링 ", Transactions of the KSME A (대한기계학회논문집 A), 대한기계학회, 1, 49-57, 2023.01.
[4] 왕호림, 신현성*, " 탄소나노튜브 다발을 포함하는 나노복합재료의 열-기계 특성 예측을 위한 멀티스케일 균질화 모델 개발 ", Composites Research, 33(4), 1-7, The Korean Society for Composites Materials, 2020.07.
[3] 백경민, 신현성, 한진규, 조맹효*, " 나노 입자의 군집밀도를 이용한 고분자 나노복합재의 기계적 거등 예측에 대한 멀티스케일 연구 ", Composites Research, 30(5), 323-330, The Korean Society for Composites Materials, 2017.10.
[2] 조맹효*, 신현성, " 나노-연속체 멀티스케일 해석과 통계적 접근법 ", 기계저널, 54(2), 2014.02.
[1] 신현성, 양승화, 유수영, 장성민, 조맹효*, " Kapitza 열저항이 존재하는 나노복합재의 열전도 특성 예측을 위한 순차적 멀티스케일 균질화 해석 기법에 관한 연구 ", 한국전산구조공학회 논문집, 제25권 제4회, 한국전산구조공학회, 2012.08.